How to add internal PDF links inside a table using Prawn and Prawn table
Published 10 July 2015 under ruby, prawn, pdf, software
On a recent project we needed to generate a PDF using Prawn. The PDF has links from a list of contents into a table. The normal way (when not using a table) for adding internal links is to do the following:
Prawn::Document.generate("linked.pdf", page_layout: :landscape) do text '<link anchor="hello">Click me</link>', inline_format: true start_new_page add_dest "hello", dest_xyz(bounds.absolute_left, y) text "You've been linked here" end
The important bits are using <link anchor="hello">
which sets up the link text and then we tell it where to link to using add_dest
We generate our table using the following:
require 'prawn' require 'prawn/table' Prawn::Document.generate("linked.pdf", page_layout: :landscape) do text '<link anchor="hello30">Click me</link>', inline_format: true start_new_page data = (1..50).map do |i| ["hello#{i}", "some info about hello#{i}"] end table data end
Here we link to hello30 which will be somewhere in the middle of the table. The trouble is that we generate our data before it's being laid out so it's not immediately obvious where to make our call to add_dest.
The answer is to use before_rendering_page
require 'prawn' require 'prawn/table' Prawn::Document.generate("linked.pdf", page_layout: :landscape) do text '<link anchor="hello30">Click me</link>', inline_format: true start_new_page data = (1..50).map do |i| ["hello#{i}", "some info about hello#{i}"] end offset = 0 table data do |t| t.before_rendering_page do |cells| cells.each do |cell| if cell.content == "hello30" add_dest(cell.content, dest_xyz(bounds.absolute_left, y + cell.y - offset)) end end offset = cells.last.y end end end
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